Cam Newton Reddit Funny Women Talk About Routes
Posted by 5 years ago
Star NFL QB Cam Newton tells a female reporter "It's funny to hear a female talk about routes." Some users in /r/NFL are confused why people care
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level 1
· 5 yr. ago Shitlord to you, SJW to others
If a women said "what would he know about competitive ballet he's a guy" I wouldn't get offended
I'd be offended if I was a professional competitive ballet reporter, and someone was prejudiced against me for whatever reason. Either my ballet questions and reporting are good or they're not, but my gender has no bearing about it either way.
level 2
And, you know, guys do ballet.
level 2
No, see, but a dude reporting on the ballet would clearly still be a dude who doesn't give a shit about the ballet (like that guy).
All guys share the same basic personality as I do, right?
level 2
· 5 yr. ago Ha, I get help from the man who invented the tortilla hot dog.
I work at a fabric store, and a lot of our customers are quilters. They tend to universally be very knowledgable about their craft, far more so than the customers who come in to buy other things. And almost all of them are women.
But when a man is purchasing materials for his quilt, I don't assume that he's clueless about it, nor is it funny.
level 2
I've never seen a professional ballet that was only women.
level 2
· 5 yr. ago you're only complaining because you want to fuck the rabbit
The use of the plural "women" for the singular "woman" drives me crazy. It's almost as if it were a purposeful mistake written by a men with fundamentally unsound tenants.
level 2
Men do ballet at the highest levels.
level 2
But what about teh menz?!
level 2
Anyone else find it ironic that he makes this comment during the whole kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustices? Justice for everyone! ..... except women
level 1
The ballet comment makes no sense at all. Male ballet dancers have been featured in ballets since their inception.
Baryshnikov is a world-wide famous name... and it's because he's a great ballet dancer!
I don't know why someone would assume a male reporter wouldn't know about ballet, since there are male ballet dancers to begin with.
/and that's ignoring that the comment itself just painted the user in an even worse light
level 2
Additionally, some professional football players have been known to practice ballet to help with things like balance and physical endurance.
level 2
· 5 yr. ago How would Chapelle feel watching a menstrual show in today's age
level 1
· 5 yr. ago I have no idea who you are, but I hate you already.
fact is it's weird when someone of the opposite sex is really into something that's considered something that is predominantly a man or woman's avenue.
The fact that it's strongly gendered and those who break that gender norm are stigmatized is why it's an issue, you empty-headed melt
level 2
To say nothing of:
Guys, you can't simultaneously want women who are into sports and bemoan how there are so few women who are interested in football, and then do shit like this.
You have to choose between gatekeeping and finding it "weird" that a woman might be interested in the subject, or want women to be interested in the subject.
That would be like wanting my wife to be into video games but insulting her when she plays. How in the world would that seem like a productive choice?
level 2
· 5 yr. ago I'll fuck your stupid tostada with a downvote.
level 2
Comment removed by moderator · 5 yr. ago
level 2
· 5 yr. ago · edited 5 yr. ago About Ethics in Binge Drinking
That sub is by far the worst of the sports subs and the community is a big reason why. The lazy mod team doesn't help though.
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